Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get my event or tournament on the calendar?
Send us a message on Instagram or Facebook, or an email at
What info should I provide?
At the very least, send a poster of the event or an organiser logo, a starting time and a link to the website where people can follow through towards more information, updates and photos etc.
If it's a tournament taking place over several days or weeks, it would be ideal to be additionally provided with a short description of the tournament, online press or magazine articles, the venue(s), the tournament prize, admission cost as well as the full fixtures from beginning to end.
Feel free to add notes about, for example, parking arrangements, availability of food/drinks for purchase, seating, conduct for spectators.
What does this cost?
It doesn't cost a thing.
What events make it onto the calendar?
Any well organised, structured, competitive sporting event taking place in Trinidad or Tobago. You will not find listings for events external to the shores of T&T
Will you carry scores/results?
No. There are many other resources to follow up on scores and results for your favourite teams/athletes.
Why was ttsportscalendar created?
It was created to improve the support of and the way we support local sports.
Where does all the information come from?
Much of the details on the calendar are already available somewhere scattered across various platforms. We just put it all in one place.
Sometimes we will make a request from the organisers for some additional information.